Molding the Mid-Year Transits ~ 14 May 2023

Come 20 May, Mars enters Leo, the first of the trinity of personal planets to engage the fifth sign in ephemeral proximity. Next month it’s Venus’ turn. In July, Mercury does their thing to untangle the lion’s mane (refer back to the SkyScraping of 14 April 2023) in the middle of the mix of establishing personal confidence and solidity within the soul.

Shortly after Mars traipses on the Leo safari, he squares Jupiter in Taurus and opposes Pluto in Aquarius. A polite description of this aspect: sticky wicket. Sure Mars pushes outward and seeks self affirmation from others and life. The powers that be may hold strong opinions regarding one’s self assertion. It is very possible a Leo energized person may come off as uncooperative and uncompromising. The answer to such perceptions is to state that one knows what they seek to accomplish, and more, they are clear as to their intention, and that the action asserted is based upon a flawless philosophical baseline. Of course, others may not share that philosophy. So maybe stick to the reasons why actions are asserted and clearly state all intended outcomes, and to please Pluto’s sign position, how such actions benefit all.

Surely as the rest of this month plays out and into early June, the initial peal of Mars striking the bell of Leo dominates our political, economic and social realms. Anticipate extreme opinions and subsequent campaigns by others that may not resonate with ones personal agenda. In that case, it is better to decide in advance, what can be gained from engaging in debate. Such discourse may seek to share ideas and create common ground... however, there’s a heap of fixed sign reckoning here. Is there a goal to communicative efforts that strike the sacred cows of others? Is winning a battle consistent with your overall life campaign engagement of the time?

Jupiter remains key in this pattern. As long as argument is not a perceived tool for gain, opportunities abound, albeit requiring reckoning with established rules and plutocrats with film opinions of those rules.

It is possible as May wraps up the lingering Mercury retrograde effects, he causes life to feel like ping pong. A good day followed by a bad day followed by a good day. It’s blurring and any lack of clarity and focus can be burned away on 30 May as Vesta conjoins Uranus in Taurus. Think of this as electronically generated spark applied to your personal pilot light. If you’re feeling unlit or out of gas, this transit is for you. Take a little time out, preferably where you can enjoy nature and beauty of the season, and let the sunshine or moonlight wash over you and prime the pump of all your motivational resources. Get ready to get it going. In but days, your spark, and enduring flame will be required as...

On 04 June Venus tries on Leo for a fit, simultaneously opposing Pluto in Aquarius, now on the cusp of reentering Capricorn. While Venus needs another week to finalize her first of three squares to Jupiter, she enters Leo concurrent with Mercury aligning with Uranus in Taurus. The upside of this pattern is that previously asserted efforts on behalf of soulful agendas now undeniably confirm assets and attributes exist that can be applied going forward.

Again, the middle of this year, is primed by planets to provide opportunities. As June commences, the ironic twist of life is that the opportunities stand adjacent to the objectives in your sights. Sure, they seem a bit wayward and unfamiliar. That’s because previous fixations no longer apply and the slate is clear to make something in the moment. Query yourself: Does the opportunity at hand grease your plan going forward? Does this fit with your agendas even if slightly divergent from goal-based expectation. If so, proceed with vigor, confidence and a refined sense of every attribute possessed and available for application.

Venus, because of her retrogradation in Leo, tips the light fantastic in square to Jupiter in Taurus twice more in subsequent months. By Venus retrograde this occurs on 22 August and for her final third quadrature to the Lord of the Planets, she takes up the position on 16 September while Jupiter retrogrades. Be assured that both these squares in the second half of the year will call back to the set ups in the next couple weeks and seek to payoff efforts exerted.

The bottom line, opportunities now reach critical mass in development in both August and September. There is no instant gratification here. Planets in fixed signs take their sweet time manifesting accountable results. It’s not about patience. It is about consistency of perseverance. Life’s little ands, ifs or buts cannot derail the need for dutiful daily application of all skills required to get the job done in a manner that pleases Pluto in his final dip into Capricorn. Pluto tends to reward mortals who possess unswerving intention, and more, use of those intentions for ultimate good. Might as well be one of those in line for a Plutonian pay day?

While Leo lights shine brightly and intensely, if life is more than a handful, use both hands.

More soon.